Necmettin Yildirim

Professor of Mathematics

Soo Bong Chae Chair of Applied Mathematics


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Heiser 101


Heiser 111


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Area of Concentration

Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | Data Science


Postdoc, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Postdoc, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
PhD., Ataturk University, Turkey
MSc., Dumlupinar University, Turkey
BSc., Middle East Technical University, Turkey

Professor Yildirim is an Applied Mathematician and Soo Bong Chae Endowed Chair of Applied Mathematics at New College of Florida. He teaches courses and offers tutorials in applied and computational mathematics. Professor Yildirim is interested in problems at the interface of Mathematics and Biology. His research takes an interdisciplinary approach and employs mathematical, statistical and computational methods to study complex dynamics arising in biological systems. He is particularly interested in protein-protein interactions capable of producing rich dynamics such as oscillation, bistability, adaptation and ultrasensitivity, and tries to understand regulatory roles of stochasticity and fluctuations in cellular decision-making process.

Recent Courses

Differential Equations
Linear Algebra
Mathematical Modeling
Introduction to Numerical Methods
Mathematical Thinking: Patterns, Puzzles, and Exploration
Linear Programming
Systems Biology

Selected Publications

1. Dyjack, N., Azeredo-Tseng, C. and Yildirim, N.(2017) Mathematical modeling reveals differential regulation of MAPK activity by phosphatase proteins in the yeast pheromone response pathway, Molecular BioSystems, 13 (7), 1323-1335

2. Yildirim, N., Aktas M.E., Ozcan, S.N., Akbas, E., Ay, A.(2017) Differential transcriptional regulation by alternatively designed mechanisms: A mathematical modeling approach, In Silico Biology,12 (3-4), 95-127

3. Ay, A., Wilner N. and Yildirim, N.(2015) Mathematical modeling deciphers the benefits of alternatively-designed conserved activatory and inhibitory gene circuits, Molecular BioSystems, 11 (7), 2017-2030

4. Yildirim, N. and Kazanci, C. (2011) Deterministic and stochastic simulation and analysis of biochemical reaction networks: Lactose operon example, Methods in Enzymology, 487, 371-395, Academic Press, New York.

5. Ay, A. and Yildirim, N.(2014) Dynamics matter: differences and similarities between alternatively designed mechanisms, Molecular BioSystems, 10 (7), 1948-1957

6. Yildirim, N., Violin, JD., DiPilato LM., Elston, TC., Zhang, J. and Lefkowitz, RJ.(2008), beta2-adrenergic receptor signaling and desensitization elucidated by quantitative modeling of real-time cAMP dynamics, Journal of Biological Chemistry,283(5), 2949-2961.

7. Yildirim, N., Santillan, M., Horike, D., and Mackey, MC.(2004) Dynamics and bistability in a reduced model of the lac operon, Chaos, 14(2), 279-292.

8. Yildirim, N., Hao, N., Dohlman, HG. and Elston, TC.(2004) Mathematical Modeling of RGS and G Protein Regulation in Yeast, Methods in Enzymology, 389, 383-398, Academic Press, New York.

9. Yildirim, N., Hao, N., Wang, YQ., Elston, T.C. and Dohlman, HG.(2003) Regulators of G protein signaling and transient activation of signaling: Experimental and computation analysis reveals negative and positive feedback controls on G protein activity, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278(47), 46506-46515.

10. Yildirim, N. and Mackey, MC.(2003) Feedback regulation in the lactose operon: A mathematical modeling study and comparison with experimental data, Biophysical Journal, 84(5), 2841-2851

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